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Other Filters

Other Filters

Mikrospin have available to order the following filtration options from our Sofima range:-

Dry air filters (FA) are used for ail suction on motor engines and compressors or to breathe tanks and closed containers.

Oil bath air filters & cyclone prefilters (FAB) are designed for engines and industrial plants which are working in dusty environments. The intaken air is precleaned by the oil bath and then filtered into a metal mash cartridge which allows simple maintenance without replacing the filter cartridge.

Water removal elements (HydroDry) remove up to 80% of the free water present in oil and work by absorption which ensures a high water retention capacity. They must be used at a constant flow rate and pressure for maximum efficiency and ideally used in an offline filter (ROL) or in a filtration trolley (GTC). They also remove solid contamination (ß10 > 2), but it is recommended that the main part is removed upstream by a dedicated return filter (MRH).

A filtration trolley (GTC) which has a 0.75 Kw, 3 Phase, 4 Pole Motor and a gear pump which delivers 40 L/min running at a maximum pressure of 10 bar. The unit comes with 2m long inlet and outlet hoses with 0.5m rigid ends and an offline filter (ROL) complete with clogging indicator and replaceable filter element.

Filters designed to work in hydraulic systems combined with hydrostatic transmission (KTS) when the return flow is higher than the flow of the boost pump in any operating condition. The oil from the return line of the system is filtered from the inside to the outside of the filter element and goes to the suction of the boost pump with a 50 kPa (0.5 bar) pressurization with the exceeding flow rate going into the reservoir.

Offline filters (ROL) come in two sizes and feature a filter element that works from inside to outside which allows retained contamination to be completely removed when replacing the element and are suitable for use with offline filtration units..

Please telephone our sales office on 01706 378625 or contact us online should you need any further help choosing the correct parts for your application or if you have any special requirements. 2.0cc Anticlockwise Group 1 Hydraulic Gear Pump 2.0 cc/rev (Flow rate 3.0 L/min @ 1500 RPM) Anticlockwise Rotation Cast Iron Front & Rear Flanges, Aluminium Body Tang Drive Shaft Maximum Intermittant Pressure 300 Bar Maximum Peak Pressure 350 Bar (2 Seconds Max) Suitable for use with the 'K' Series range of Bosch Rexroth Hydraulic Power Units

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